Every candidate for admission or transfer to the class of Graduate shall satisfy the Institution, through its Council that he or she:

- Has obtained the degree of a Bachelors in Engineering or its equivalent awarded by a University or School of Engineering approved for the purpose by the Institution

- Has passed the technical requirements (technical report and interview) and approved by the Institution to practice as an Engineer.

- No person shall remain a Graduate after 5 years in this class

- Is registered with the Institution of Engineers Rwanda as a graduate member.

Get the current internship log book:


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is defined as the “systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties throughout one’s working life”. CPD is therefore an ingredient of the career activities of any professionally successful engineer (IER, 2019).
 CPD helps to expand knowledge, maintain up-to-date technical skills and progress the engineering career. Participation in CPD activities can also grow professional networks and contacts.
Graduates enter the workplace with valuable skills and knowledge. However, they are less aware of the significance of constantly changing skill-sets, activities, relationships, and behavioural adjustments they will need to manage, if they are to remain highly-valued contributors throughout their career.
CPD activities organized are designed to extend or update knowledge, skill or judgement in areas of practice, and enable engineers to:
  • maintain technical competence
  • retain and enhance effectiveness in the workplace
  • be able to help, influence and lead by example
  • successfully deal with changes in their career
  • better serve the community.
CPD activities organized  are classified in three (3) categories:
(i)                 Developmental Activities;
(ii)               Work-based activities and
(iii)             Individual Activities.

The third category is non-structured activities.

For more details about CPD, visit http://cpd.dphu.org/

The report must be related to the discipline in which the applicant is seeking certification. 

The report must demonstrate engineering, (including elements of design and application of theory).

This will illustrate that the author has a clear understanding and mastery of the subject.

The technical report must attempt to discuss engineering such as:

· Critical analysis of technical issues involved in the implementation of a project.

· Evaluation of alternate resolutions and how the recommendations were derived

· Justification of photographs and figures ( insert source and dates captured)

· Acknowledgement of sources (bibliography, references, and footnotes) that not only

indicate intellectual courtesy and honesty, but also enable the examiner to confirm reference materials.

Get the current guidelines and requirements for writing and submission of a technical Report:
